mandag den 25. februar 2013

Dada and the paper shredding process

T H I N K  A R T -  A C T   S C I E N C E /

Dada artists used change, collaboration and language as a catalyst for creativity. They defracmented the original meaning of objects and put them into new  compositions, free of their original  meaning. 
Could  this approach be related to the paper waste issue in Williamsburg in terms of relating  sustainable acts with art,  translate trash and paper waste through shreds and stage this event, bearing in mind both the industrial past, the present issues and a gentrified future ? 
Many artists of the period created large format pieces that were designed to confront the viewer, who were often forced into interaction of some form or another. Could this interaction be a process of  investing oneself into urban sustainability meanwhile reinventing the future?           

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