lørdag den 20. oktober 2012

inspiration for window devices

T h e   P e r i s c o p e

Optical device that enables images or views to travel around corners or disturbing angles by 45 degree reflecting mirrors. 
The observer is traditionally placed in a concealed or protected position. Which makes it possible for the observer to remain unknown or private.

J e a n   N o u v e l 
 / T h e  H o t e l    2 0 0 0
Study trip to Lucerne, Switzerland 2011. 
Same principle as the periscope, except the use of reflective mirrors are translated in a refined way into the opening. 
In consequence  the context is prolonged and continues into the building.
 ' A window expander '.

a n s i l l a   T u n o n   a r c h i t e c t s
/ L e o n  A u d i t o r i u m  1 9 9 4 - 2 0 0 2

The angles between the openings in the facade and the windows creates a playfull surface for the daylight. 
These openings both filter and direct views into the surroundings.
 ' A concept of seing and being seen'.


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